Happy Birthday Beverly Cleary!!!

Happy 103rd Birthday Today, famous children`s book author, Beverly Cleary turns 103 years old! During her lifetime, Mrs. Cleary has written over 50 children`s books that have sold over 90 million copies worldwide! Some of her most … Read more

Book Review | Crenshaw

Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate Feature Image

“Imaginary friends are like books. We’re created, we’re enjoyed, we’re dog-eared and creased, and then we’re tucked away until we’re needed again.” ~ Katherine Applegate, Crenshaw Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate Crenshaw is by Katherine Applegate, … Read more

Book Review| Autumn Street

Autumn Street Feature Image

“It was a long time ago.“Though it seems, sometimes, that most things that matter happened a long time ago, that is not really true. What is true is this: bu the time you realize how … Read more