Andrey Bolshakov

Biography of Andrei Bolshakov

Andrei Bolshakov was born on May 21, 1979 in the town of Lobnya near Moscow.

He has a law degree from the Moscow Financial and Industrial Academy. He is currently working on his Ph.D. thesis, which he plans to defend at MGIMO.

He has been in business since 1998. In 2002, he became the founder of an investment company specializing in the securities market in Russia, England and Southeast Asia. Having gained rich experience in the financial sector, A. Bolshakov took up entrepreneurship in other areas: he has several investment projects in various fields, including the construction business.

A. Bolshakov’s wife is also engaged in entrepreneurial activities – she is a co-founder of the Safety Technologies company. Together, the couple are raising two sons.

Of his hobbies, A. Bolshakov singles out alpine skiing and martial arts.