Photo: Yana Rudkovskaya

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Video: Yana Rudkovskaya
Biography of Yana Rudkovskaya
Yana Rudkovskaya is a successful producer, TV presenter, and businesswoman. Best known as the producer of Dima Bilan and her husband, Evgeni Plushenko.
In the photo: Yana Rudkovskaya
Childhood and youth
Yana was born on January 2, 1975 in Kazakhstan, and she spent all her conscious childhood and youth in Barnaul, where her father was transferred due to the nature of her service. There, Colonel Alexander Vasilyevich Rudkovsky served as deputy head of the flight school, and mother Svetlana Nikolaevna, a neurologist, headed the department at the local railway hospital.
Yana Rudkovskaya in early childhood and school years
Yana grew up an obedient, diligent and very purposeful girl. From an early age, she studied music and figure skating, studied perfectly. As a teenager, Yana began to dream of the profession of a cosmetologist and, having graduated from school with a silver medal, she entered the medical faculty of the Barnaul Medical Institute, and later underwent an internship in the Netherlands.
Yana during music lessons
In 1998, with the proceeds from the sale of her grandmother’s apartment, Yana opened her first beauty salon in Sochi. The business immediately began to bring a stable income, Rudkovskaya recouped all expenses in a year and, becoming a distributor of Franck Provost, organized three more beauty salons.
In 1998, Rudkovskaya opened her first beauty salon.
In 2003, Yana expanded her business through a network of clothing stores from leading world brands and again did not fail – Rudkovskaya became one of the richest and most influential businesswomen in southern Russia. Her husband, millionaire Viktor Baturin, gave her great help in organizing a business then, but one must also pay tribute to the innate business acumen of Yana herself.
Yana Rudkovskaya and Viktor Baturin
Producing career
In 2005, Rudkovskaya changed her field of activity somewhat and went into show business. After the death of Yuri Aizenshpis, a close friend of Yana, she “inherited” the young and promising singer Dima Bilan, whom Rudkovskaya undertook to produce. In three years, she made him the most popular artist on the Russian stage, and Bilan’s victory at Eurovision in 2008 brought the singer to a new level of success.
Yana Rudkovskaya and Dima Bilan
A little later, Yana shared with journalists even greater ambitions about Bilan: “I want Dima Bilan to be popular in the West and become the first Russian artist to receive a Grammy.” In parallel with the development of Dima Bilan’s career, Rudkovskaya produced the singers Alex and Sabrina.
Yana Rudkovskaya and Alexa
In 2009, Rudkovskaya released an autobiographical book, Confessions of a Kept Woman, where she told in detail the story of her life and success, but deftly avoided some points related to the promotion of her business.
Yana Rudkovskaya has released an autobiographical book “Confessions of a kept woman”
Shortly after Eurovision, Yana got a new ward, her future husband Evgeni Plushenko. Rudkovskaya, with her characteristic zeal, began to patronize her husband, whose sports career was coming to an end. Numerous injuries no longer allowed the 2006 Olympic champion to demonstrate all his abilities, but Yana insisted that he still take part in the Sochi Olympics in 2014.
Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya
But Zhenya could not stand the crazy loads and withdrew from the performances in the individual tournament. A huge scandal erupted, promising the athlete a loss of reputation and complete oblivion. And only thanks to the intervention of Rudkovskaya, Evgeny did not turn out to be an outcast and remained afloat. Together with her husband, the enterprising Yana organized the Nutcracker ice show, picking up the idea of the Snow Queen by Ilya Averbukh, and staged a grand PR campaign in support of Plushenko.
Yana Rudkovskaya does charity work
Yana has also been involved in charitable activities more than once – she helps orphans, supports charitable foundations and talented young artists.
Personal life of Yana Rudkovskaya
Rudkovskaya’s first civil husband was businessman Yevgeny Mukhin, who moved the girl to Sochi. Unwinding and becoming a respectable business woman, Yana changed him to the millionaire Viktor Baturin, whom she met in the VIP box at a football match. Rudkovskaya gave birth to baby Nikolai from Baturin and adopted his son Andrei from Yulia Saltovets.
Viktor Baturin – the first official spouse
During the divorce, the couple staged a real war for the children, in which Yana, despite Baturin’s connections and millions, emerged victorious. Now their enmity is in the past, and the boys can see their father at any time.
Yana Rudkovskaya and Viktor Baturin with their sons
In 2009, Rudkovskaya became the wife of figure skater Evgeni Plushenko, whom she met during the preparation of Dima Bilan for Eurovision. Four years later, the couple had a baby Sashenka, whom they affectionately call Dwarf Gnomych. In 2017, Yana and Eugene got married in a church.
Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya with their son Sasha
Yana Rudkovskaya now
The editors of recall that now Yana Rudkovskaya continues to manage several business projects, produce Dima Bilan and Evgeni Plushenko. Also in 2024, Yanino’s presence on the Internet increased – the business woman began to conduct TikTok and conduct live broadcasts on Instagram. Humorous videos on the social network TikTok caused a greater public outcry – many of Rudkovskaya’s subscribers were not ready for her jokes and images. Her husband and son, Eugene and Sasha, also often appear in the video.
Yana Rudkovskaya joined TikTok
In the summer of 2024, Yana Rudkovskaya had a conflict with Rita Dakota. So, according to the singer, after she published photos with Louis Vuitton bags in honor of the competition on Instagram, she received a call from Yana asking her to delete all the photos so as not to “disgrace the brand.” Rita hastened to share what happened with subscribers. As a result, Yana, who is the ambassador of this brand, was considered guilty even by her fans, and she had to apologize. Throughout 2024, Yana made ambiguous hints to fans that she was expecting a child, or dreaming of having one. And not just like that – on September 25, 2024, Yana and Evgeni Plushenko had a son, Arseniy. It is known that the boy was carried by a surrogate mother. Rudkovskaya immediately surrounded the new family member with love in her own style – the baby rides in a stroller for half a million rubles, which greatly outraged the socialite’s subscribers.
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