“Imaginary friends are like books. We’re created, we’re enjoyed, we’re dog-eared and creased, and then we’re tucked away until we’re needed again.”
~ Katherine Applegate, Crenshaw
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
Crenshaw is by Katherine Applegate, the author of The One and Only Ivan among other books. This one features Jackson and his family who are going through tough times financially. There is no money to pay the rent, hardly any money for food. Jackson, his little sister, his parents, and their dog may have to live in their minivan…again.
Just when things are getting really rough, Jackson notices a cat. An abnormally large, outspoken cat. It’s Crenshaw, Jackson’s imaginary friend from first grade.
Jackson will be going into fifth grade in the fall, and he believes he is way too old to have an imaginary friend. He tries to get rid of Crenshaw, but Crenshaw insists that he must stay until Jackson doesn’t need him anymore. That is the way imaginary friends work.
My Thoughts About This Book….
I received Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate, for Christmas. It was a book that has been on my wishlist for a while now. So, after finishing another book I had going, I read this one. I was not disappointed.
Things I loved about Crenshaw
The way Katherine Applegate presents the relationship between boy and imaginary friend is truly magical.
It also tackles the ancient battle between wanting to grow up, and wanting to stay a little kid for just a while longer.
In Conclusion

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Happy Reading & Writing!