Sergey Sholom Net Worth

Biography of Sergei Sholom

Domestic developers stand out among the blockchain figures – Russian specialists can be found in almost any team. However, even among Russian crypto enthusiasts, the name of Sergei Sholom stands out. Why?

Early years. Education

Sergey was born on February 10, 1978 in Moscow. He was not the only child in the family of Anatoly and Marina Sholom – he grew up with his twin brother Maxim. The upbringing of the boys was versatile: Sergei loved both football and hockey, and mathematics. There was a lot of ability for the latter – over time he moved to a specialized mathematical school.

Since childhood, Sergei Sholom loved computer games. He enjoyed playing Wolfenstein. He had even more to do with Quake than a simple hobby – Sergei actively participated, and then organized tournaments for this game. He also organized his own e-sports team – Dataforce.

After leaving school, Sergei Sholom entered MATI, where his father worked. Here Sergei defended his doctorate in mathematical modeling. His second education is financial management.

Career in the computer industry

In 2004 Sergey founds the game studio Datcroft Games. This idea did not occur to him right away, at first he thought about applying himself as an engineer in his specialty. Nevertheless, the choice was made in favor of the development of computer games. True, commercial success came to the studio much later, in 2013. It was then that the browser-based role-playing game Fragoria was released, attracting over seven million users. In addition to it, Datcroft Games have released a dozen more computer games of varying degrees of fame.

In 2016, the interest of Sergei Sholom is attracted by blockchain technologies. By this time, the prospects for decentralization had turned from gloomy to quite real and obvious, and precisely for gamedev. Sergey and Maxim Sholom, together with a development team, are creating a cryptocurrency for gamers. And it becomes MobileGO – an asset for mobile and computer entertainment.

The crowdsale showed community interest – MobileGO token sales exceeded fifty-three million dollars. Crypto exchanges easily accepted the asset, at the moment MGO is traded on thirteen platforms. Over time, Sergey took a leadership position in the blockchain development team and announced their next project. It is GNation’s global gaming ecosystem, which should bring together the gaming industry, gamers and game developers alike. It is on this project that Sergey’s efforts are focused.