Inna Tliashinova Net Worth

Biography of Inna Tliashinova

Inna Tliashinova – psychologist of the year, expert of federal channels, founder of the unique methodology “Master of Analysis”, which will allow anyone to become a happier and more conscious version of themselves. Inna has helped herself and hundreds of clients, and now she is passing on this unique experience to the students of her own International Academy “Master of Parsing”.

Inna Tlaishinova, founder of the “Master of Analysis” methodology

early years

The small homeland of Inna Tliashinova is Bolshaya Martynovka, a small town in the Rostov region. Here she was born in April 1982, here she spent her early years.

The family did not live well, and with the beginning of the 90s, money became desperately lacking. Parents worked hard to provide Inna and her brother with everything they needed, and already at school the girl realized that she wanted to become a lawyer – at that time this profession topped the ranking of the most profitable professions. But she had no illusions: there was no money to move to Rostov-on-Don – there was a strong law faculty at the local university.

And yet, thanks to the support of her father, Inna managed to achieve what she wanted. Having survived the difficult student years, when the girl had only to dream of even inexpensive sweets from lack of money, she graduated from high school and got a job as a law teacher in a state institution.

In the mid-2000s, a black streak began in Inna’s life. She got laid off at work, serious relationship problems began. At that moment, Inna was diagnosed with infertility. On top of a series of troubles, his father fell seriously ill. The girl plunged into depression, hated herself, but realized in time that she needed to change her attitude to life.

The path to happiness

First of all, Inna stopped feeling sorry for herself, realizing that no one can change reality, except for herself. She turned to psychologists, self-development coaches for help, and soon life began to improve.

Tliashinova opened her own law firm, which began to bring in a good income, bought an apartment and met a man with whom she is happy now. Moreover, she managed to get pregnant, despite the fact that she was diagnosed with infertility for ten years in a row, give birth to a healthy daughter, and later Inna had three more babies.

The “parsing method” of Inna Tliashinova has already helped many people

To come to a balance, Inna received two more higher educations (psychological and pedagogical) and developed a methodology for achieving success and happiness in her personal life – “Master of Analysis”.

“Master of Parsing”

According to Inna, the “Master of Analysis” technique helps to pinpoint the root cause that prevents a person from achieving harmony and success, turning all life’s negativity into a positive direction and leading to the fulfillment of the most secret desires and a sense of satisfaction with life. It includes both the achievements of psychologists and practitioners of world renown, and the personal achievements of Tliashinova.

You need to love yourself and allow yourself to be different from others, to be a person, the way you are. Someone manages to do this easily on a conscious level, but for someone it needs to be worked out with the help of analysis.

At first, Inna’s methodology was skeptical, but very soon the successes of her first “analysis” spread by word of mouth. Among those who helped Tliashinova, well-known names appeared: singer Lyubov Uspenskaya, actress Marina Fedunkiv, TV presenter Elena Khanga, actor Mikhail Dorozhkin and many others.

Inna’s technique attracts with concreteness and simplicity: it does not require numerous sessions – in particular cases, only one consultation is enough, in addition, the client receives a detailed algorithm of actions without “water” and common truths.

In the author’s blog, Inna Tliashinova helps to solve problems that are familiar to everyone: how to learn how to earn big money, how to remove psychological blocks that interfere with happiness, how to build a trusting relationship with your loved one and become a good parent, how to build relationships with loved ones, how to combine career and family how to break through your ceiling and gain respect.

Inna is often invited as an expert on television

In 2024, the Academy “Master of Analysis” opened its doors, where anyone can adopt Inna’s methodology and become a certified specialist in “analysis”. In the same year, Inna was awarded the “Psychologist of the Year” and “Expert of the Year” awards.

Personal life

Since 2017, Inna has been happily married to Asker Tliashinov, the father of her four children, whom she calls the main source of energy and inspiration.

The psychologist often publishes frames from family life on his Instagram, trying to be extremely frank with subscribers. There she shares useful tips and practices.

Inna has little free time, but when she has an evening “for herself”, she devotes it to singing, swimming or relaxing baths with essential oils, and also broadcasts live for her subscribers on her Instagram.