Gohar Avetisyan Net Worth

Biography Gohar Avetisyan

Gohar Avetisyan is a talented stylist and make-up artist, beauty blogger, TV presenter and successful entrepreneur who managed to create a real beauty empire. The best make-up artist of the year according to both some Russian thematic resources and the British edition of DailyMail. Gohar’s hands are called magical, and her videos with miraculous transformations are very popular and help many women master the art of makeup.

Makeup artist and stylist Gohar Avetisyan

Childhood and family

Gohar was born on July 4, 1993 in the small town of Martuni, located on the shores of Lake Sevan, in Armenia. The eldest son and daughter, Vae and Nunik, were already growing up in the family. Immediately after the birth of Gohar, the Avetisyan family moved to Moscow. At home, the head of the family Smbat Avetisyan worked as a veterinarian, and in the capital he went into business and quickly achieved success in the field of asphalt production and road improvement. The girl’s mother, Naira, a primary school teacher by profession, devoted herself to raising two sons (already in Moscow, Gohar had a younger brother Albert) and two daughters.

Gohar Avetisyan in childhood

Gohar has been fascinated by the art of transforming people since childhood. In her own words, even in elementary school, she added eyelashes and eyebrows to models in glossy magazines, tried to change their hair color, and correct the shape of their lips. Later, Gohar began to secretly take cosmetics from her mother and experiment with her own appearance. Being a fan of the TV show of transformations (“Take it off immediately”, etc.), sometimes the girl was indignant at the final result, it seemed to her that she herself would have done much better.

Gohar Avetisyan without makeup

In her first big interview, Gohar said that she earned her first money for her services when she was only 16 years old, while still in high school. Putting on makeup that changed her young sweet face beyond recognition and made Gohar look like a Hollywood diva, the girl took a picture and published a photo on her page in classmates. This photo was accidentally seen by an unfamiliar girl and wrote to Gohar, asking to do the same make-up. Gohar received 1,500 rubles for her work, after which she wrote on her page that she was a stylist and makeup artist.

Gohar Avetisyan’s height is 173 cm

Music was another hobby of Avetisyan. The girl studied at a music school and dreamed of a stage, but when she mentioned her dream to her family, her father categorically stated that a girl from a decent Armenian family should choose a more serious profession. Gohar entered the Faculty of Economics of the prestigious RANEPA, and although she studied well, she always knew that she would not work in her specialty. At the university, as well as at school, Gohar had few friends. The girl was shy and often attacked because of her excess weight and nationality.

Makeup career

When Gohar finished her studies at the academy, she was already a sought-after make-up artist among the representatives of the Moscow Armenian diaspora. Realizing that for further development she needed an appropriate document, Gohar went to courses for cosmetologists and makeup artists. Parents, seeing the success of their daughter, although they had previously opposed her choice, especially her father, at that moment resigned herself that she would never be a specialist in the field of economics.

Gohar Avetisyan before she became famous

But the education she received later helped the girl open her own business. In 2012, Gohar became the owner of a small (4 sq.m.) studio in the shopping center on Nikolskaya Street, where she began to teach the art of applying makeup, as well as provide makeup services, turning women into beauty queens. In parallel, Gohar began to promote her business on the Internet.

Interview Gohar Avetisyan about his business

On her Instagram page, the girl regularly published videos on which she worked magic, hiding flaws and emphasizing the dignity of the appearance of women of all ages, sometimes changing them beyond recognition. In an exquisitely furnished studio, located a few steps from the Kremlin, there is also a men’s club, where representatives of the stronger sex can get a magical transformation, as well as a complex for facial skin care.

The unique talent of a very young girl, love for her work, hard work and faith in success soon turned a small business into a real beauty empire, in which a team of professionals works under the leadership of Gohar. From a small studio, she first moved to a room of 150 sq.m., then rented a studio. And for sure this is not the limit, because Goar does not get tired of developing. Every month, at least 100 students come to her make-up school, and the registration for her seminars is packed a year in advance.

Makeup by Gohar Avetisyan: before and after

Gohar gained fame as a beauty blogger; not only Russians, but also women from around the world subscribe to her Instagram every day. Gohar’s signature style is oriental make-up, which is often compared to the style of the Lebanese master Samir Khuzami, but Gohar skillfully combines oriental and European traditions, paying special attention to the desire of each client.

At the end of 2018, many online publications published information about the action that Gohar held to raise money for the treatment of a little Tajik boy. Gohar condemned the media attention to her act, saying that she considers it normal when people help each other.

Gohar Avetisyan has always been a girl in the body, but when her weight reached 130 kg, she realized that she needed to get in shape. In February 2019, her weight was 98 kg, and this is not the limit – in each new photo, Gohar is getting slimmer.

Gohar Avetisyan lost 6 sizes and continues to lose weight

In March 2019, Gohar visited an orphanage located in a village in Nizhny Novgorod to donate clothes and toys to the children in the institution.

In April, the girl became a guest of Regina Todorenko in her author’s show program, where she told the audience about the diet, business development plans and the changes that had taken place in her personal life.

Now Avetisyan calls teaching the art of applying makeup the main source of income. In an interview, the business woman notes that she has become less likely to provide personal services. It is known that the cost of Gohar Avetisyan’s services ranges from one to two thousand dollars, but she puts makeup on the models on her beauty videos for free.

Makeup by Gohar Avetisyan on problem skin

More than seven million people have subscribed to Gohar’s Instagram (as of March 2024), and each product advertisement brings her hundreds of thousands of rubles. In just a few years, the studio on Nikolskaya turned into a real kingdom of beauty with a total area of ​​​​more than 600 square meters. The opening took place at the end of 2018. It is known that Gohar personally supervised the repair and finishing works and took part in the creation of the unique design of the studio.

Personal life Gohar Avetisyan

The first beloved of a talented business woman did not justify her hopes. The star prefers not to voice the details of this story, only hinting at the betrayal in which she caught him right on the eve of the wedding.

A friend, businessman Vaik Davidovich Martirosyan, helped Gohar not to lose heart and not lose faith in love, with whom friendship grew into a romantic relationship. The wedding of Gohar and Vaik took place in 2016 in Yerevan, in the historical homeland of the young, but family life lasted about 2 years.

Wedding of Gohar Avetisyan and Vaik Martirosyan

At the end of 2018, it became known about the divorce, which, according to some reports, took place at the initiative of Gohar, behind whose soft appearance lies an iron character. Other fans of the former couple hinted at the constant employment of Gohar: she gave all her strength to her favorite work and was rarely at home, which did not quite suit Vagik.

Gohar Avetisyan and her husband Vagik Martirosyan

In January 2019, Gohar posted a photo from a vacation she spent in Jamaica. Friends and subscribers noted the new image of the girl, as well as the loss of several tens of kilograms.

In 2024, it became known that Gohar was expecting a boy. Raised in a traditional family, she dreamed of a child all her life, and this dream was fulfilled by the new chosen one Gohar. Little is known about the man: his name is Sergey, he is from Aravmir and works in a taxi. In the video below, he is standing next to Gohar.

The pregnancy was not easy: the first time she was admitted to the hospital at an early stage, and on June 14 she was hospitalized with severe abdominal pain.

Gohar Avetisyan gave birth to a son

On July 3, Goar gave birth to a boy and named him Gaspar. Subscribers were happy for the girl, because they knew how much she wanted this baby and how difficult the pregnancy was. But the dryness and detachment with which her husband Gohar met her from the hospital was alarming. Soon, a number of Telegram channels dedicated to celebrities reported that Gohar broke up with her husband and moved in with her parents along with the baby. However, in the future, new photos of the spouses with a child appeared on Gohar’s Instagram, and Sergey’s parents moved closer to their grandson.

Gohar Avetisyan with ex-husband Sergey

In just 2 weeks, Avetisyan managed to lose 13 kilograms and return to pre-pregnancy weight. “I am starving. On such a diet, everyone will lose weight, ”she admitted.

Gohar Avetisyan shortly after giving birth

However, the overall tone of the body deteriorated, and at the end of 2024, the makeup artist decided to resort to radical methods of losing weight and performed liposuction, pumping out fat from the abdomen, arms, back and hips. A year later, she had a second liposuction and removed the sagging skin.

Gohar Avetisyan before and after liposuction

However, after the second operation, Gohar began to have problems: the stitches did not heal well, she had to lie down on the operating table again under general anesthesia. Particularly poorly fused area in the thigh area, at the junction of three seams.

Alas, the marriage with Sergei did not stand the test of difficulties. He did not provide the support that Gohar so needed during her recovery, and they broke up. Judging by Sergey’s Instagram, he is developing an investment project related to cryptocurrency.

Gohar Avetisyan now

In the fall of 2024, Gohar launched the show “Battle of the Makeup Artists” on YouTube. An application for participation in the project was submitted by 60 thousand people, but Gohar selected 12 of the best. The winner of the project after five editions was Ekaterina Zhabskaya from Rostov. As a prize, Gohar promised to help her with the opening of a make-up school.

“Battle of makeup artists” Gohar Avetisyan. First episode

Many subscribers are upset that makeup and other working moments have practically disappeared from Gohar’s Instagram. Others, on the contrary, draw inspiration from the colossal changes that the Armenian woman went through.