Bolton John Net Worth

John Robert Bolton II (Eng. John Robert Bolton II) – American politician, former national security adviser to the President of the United States.

Place of Birth. Education. Bolton was born on November 20, 1948 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. His father was a firefighter, his mother was a housewife.

He studied at one of the prestigious schools in Maryland – McDonogh College. In 1966 he received a scholarship to study at Yale University.

He graduated from Yale University in 1972 with a bachelor’s degree. In 1974 he graduated from Yale Law School.

Career. In 1972, he was an intern under Vice President Spiro Agnew in the administration of President Richard Nixon.

From 1985 to 1988 – Assistant Attorney General in the Office of Legislative Affairs.

From 1988 to 1989 Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Justice Division of the US Department of Justice.

From 1989-1993, he was Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs.

In 2001-2005 – Deputy Secretary of State for Arms Control.

In 2005-2006 – US Ambassador to the UN. Resigned December 9, 2006.

Since January 2007, Bolton has served as a Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, since the summer of 2007 he was elected to the Academic Council.

In the 2014, 20014 and 2016 elections, he was involved in fundraising for Republican candidates, including the presidential campaign of Donald Trump.

On February 18, 2017, it was reported that President Trump held an interview with Bolton and three others to determine who would fill the National Security Adviser position to replace the fired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Herbert McMaster was President Trump’s adviser from February 20, 2017 to April 9, 2018..

On April 9, 2018, Bolton began his job as National Security Adviser.

On April 10, 2018, Homeland Security Adviser Tom Bossert resigned at Bolton’s request.

September 10, 2019 President of the United States Donald Trump fired John Bolton as his national security adviser.

Views. Bolton is known for his conservative views on foreign policy. He is a hardliner in relation to the countries of the so-called “axis of evil”: North Korea, Iran and Cuba, as well as in relation to Russia and its allies. In particular, in 2002, he charged the Cuban leadership and Castro personally with exporting biological weapons to “rogue states.”

In 2003 he became an active supporter of the invasion of Iraq.

In May 2007, Bolton called on the US presidential administration to conduct a military operation against Iran as soon as possible.

Despite the fact that Bolton was the US representative to the UN for more than a year, he did not hide his skepticism about this institution. So he once said that “There is no such thing as the UN. There is only the World Community, which can only be led by the world’s only superpower, which is the United States.”

Over the past years, Bolton has advocated arming Ukraine, giving it the prospect of NATO membership and criticizing the foreign policy of US President Barack Obama, considering the situation in Ukraine as an example of the failed decisions of official Washington.

Social activity. In June 2010, together with a number of well-known politicians, he founded the international public organization “Friends of Israel Initiative”, one of the tasks of which is to combat the delegitimization of the state of Israel.

Family. Bolton is married to Gretchen Smith Bolton, who is a financial planner at AXA Advisors. Together they have a daughter, Jennifer, and reside in Bethesda, Maryland.

Bolton is a Lutheran.
