Group Krovostok Net Worth

Biography of the group “Krovostok”

If you type the word “bloodblood” in a search engine, you will not find a link on any of the pages, following which you could get into the dictionary and find out that bloodblood is the colloquial name for the longitudinal groove on the cutting part of the bladed weapons of past centuries. All the pages in Google are not about this gutter and not about weapons, they are about the Russian group Krovostok, famous for its sharply social texts, generously seasoned with obscene language and black humor, and their dry, detached presentation, emphasizing the atmosphere of emptiness and hopelessness.

Group “Krovostok”

History of creation

The Krovostok group was formed in 2003. Its creators, Muscovites Anton Chernyak (Shilo) and Dmitry Faindyukhain (Dmitry Fain, Doctor Feldman), have known each other since their studies at the art school (MHAGU). After graduating from college, the guys participated in the legendary art project “Fenso”.

The youth of the leader of “Krovostok” was held in the Moscow district Tekstilshchiki

Anton and Dmitry were fond of rap, wrote lyrics, none of them had a musical education, but there was a desire to create their own group, which was supposed to be different from existing Russian groups and not copy the style of fashionable Western performers. Sergey Krylov (DJ Polutrup) took over the musical arrangement of the texts, performing the functions of both composer and arranger. Konstantin Arshba (Cat) became the backing vocalist.

Members of the Krovostok group in their youth

Initially, it was decided to name the group “Tekstilshchiki”, in honor of the Moscow region, where Anton Chernyak spent his childhood. But the texts filled with crime and sex, exposing what is usually hidden, was more suitable for another name, also invented by Anton, “Krovostok”.

Separately, it is worth noting the “Anti-tank grenade” project, which existed in the early 2000s, within which Shilo collaborated with MS Flacon (it was he who wrote the song “Tekstilshchiki” for “Krovostok”). Perhaps the most famous track of this period, which has survived “to this day” – “Brother Khamzat”.

In an interview recorded for Rolling Stone magazine, when asked what the name “Krovostok” means, Dmitry Faindyukhain replied that what this name means for them, musicians, is a big secret, an undisclosed secret, and let other people understand it this way, as they see fit or possible. All members of the Krovostok group at the time of its creation were about 30 years old, Dmitry Faindyukhain became the producer.

The main stages of creativity

In 2004, a website was created where the musicians presented their first compositions – “Biography”, “Lobster Pizza”, “Losing My Head” and others. People immediately started talking about Krovostok, this music was different from everything that had ever existed in the musical space of Russia.

A well-balanced rhythm, sharp precise rhymes, a detached manner of performance, completely devoid of emotional coloring, and possessing some strange magnetism, forcing you to listen and find deep meanings where, it would seem, they cannot be.

The composition “Biography”, which became a hit overnight, is a peculiar phenomenon, the story of the whole era of the crazy nineties, told in a few minutes and dispersed into quotes even among those who were not lucky enough to catch this time.

The first album “Rivers of Blood” was released in 2004, it included compositions previously posted on the site. Despite the fate predicted by many critics as “a fashionable thing for a season or two”, in 2008 the group released the album “Pass-through”, which only strengthened the popularity of “Krovostok”. In the texts of the group, under a generous seasoning of prison jargon and obscene language, everyone saw something of their own, the dullness of office everyday life, the danger of city outskirts, domestic hell or the disorder of life.

Bloodstock – G.E.S.

In the sensational thriller “Tin” (2006), in which the roles were played by Alena Babenko, Mikhail Efremov, Igor Lifanov, the musicians played rural bandits. The slogan “There’s no hell but what’s next” is a line from the track “Talking about napas” from the band’s first album.

Shilo in the film “Tin”

In the period from 2005 to 2007, personnel changes took place in Krovostok: Konstantin Arshba and Sergey Krylov left the group. Fantomas 2000 joined the band in 2008 and became a successful “acquisition”: he could be a backing vocalist, a composer, and an arranger. Fantomas 2000 also wrote lyrics, it was he who wrote the composition “Kurtets” from the album “Junior”.

In the photo: Fantomas 2000, who replaced DJ Polutrup

With the advent of Fantomas 2000, the sound of the group became brighter, even some emotional coloring appeared in the performance, but the concept was preserved. The fifth album of “Krovostok” “Pawnshop” caused a mixed reaction even among the fans, for many it seemed too lyrical and emotional, although “there was no more blood, there were more arguments.” Expectations were justified: the tracks “Pathologist”, “Lombard” – this is the “trademark” independence and captivating frankness of “Krovostok”, and if you look for flaws in it, they will turn out to be only a continuation of the merits.

All the clips of “Krovostok” were made by fans of the group’s work, for example, the animated clip for the composition “Kolkhozniki” in 2010 is the course work of Ivan Zolotukhin, at that time a sophomore student at VGIK. By the way, Ivan received a “troika” for this work.

Krovostok – Kolkhozniki


You can love “Krovostok” or hate it, but you can’t help but notice it, and you can’t help but agree that “Krovostok” is a phenomenon, moreover, a unique phenomenon. This is confirmed by some events, for example, in 2015, the court of the city of Yaroslavl issued a decision prohibiting the distribution of the texts of the group on the territory of the Russian Federation.

This is not the only musical group whose lyrics have been banned. But if the texts of such groups as “Kolovrat” or “Metal Corrosion” were recognized as extremist, then the texts of “Krovostok” were recognized as “illegal”. The decision was made based on expert analysis, which concluded that the song’s message could set a bad example for young people, provoke young people’s interest in illicit drug use, and encourage criminal tendencies and deviant behavior. Unprecedented case!

In 2015, the court banned the texts of “Krovostok”

However, the musicians appealed the court’s decision to a higher court, and it was canceled. But after the story with the trial and the banning of the text, the already huge popularity of the group grew, interest in it only increased, the notorious Barbara Streisand effect set in, that is, uncontrolled, lightning-fast dissemination of information that could be banned.

Bloodstock – Kurtz

In the fall of 2016, a resident of the city of Yekaterinburg, outraged by the poster of the Krovostok group, which depicted an inverted cross, turned to the OFAS with a statement that this image offended the feelings of believers, including his own. Employees of the antimonopoly service had already taken the statement of the offended citizen into proceedings, but decided to contact the local diocese for clarification. They received an explanation and did not initiate a case.

The poster of “Krovostok” angered a believing Yekaterinburger

The clergy explained that the cross, even upside down, cannot offend the feelings of believers, and according to one version, the inverted cross is a symbol of the Apostle Peter, who, according to legend, was crucified upside down.

In April 2018, Yuri Dud invited Anton Chernyak to become a guest of his Internet show, in which Anton answered questions regarding the history of the creation of the group, his attitude to ongoing events in the cultural and political life of the country, as well as about the sixth album of the ChB group, which was released in March 2018.

Shilo from “Krovostok” by Yuri Dudya

In 2018, Krovostok performed a lot with an adapted version of BW, until the end of the year the musicians had concerts in clubs in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod.

The new compositions of the group are still filled with a description of the physiological needs of the human body and their functions, the lyrical hero either beats himself or beats him, bones break, blood flows. However, now it has become clear to everyone that “Krovostok” is not a game of the creative intelligentsia, this is serious, but something that appears from the fog of allusions and ambiguities – something more than the rhymed discontent of the disadvantaged part of society. This is philosophy.


  • “River of Blood” (2004)
  • “Through” (2006)
  • “Dumbbell” (2008)
  • “Studen” (2012)
  • “Pawnshop” (2015)
  • “ChW” (2018)
  • “The science”

Group “Krovostok” now

In 2024, Krovostok presented a new album, Nauka, which, according to many fans of the group, breathed fresh life into the work of the band. As always, the album turned out to be topical: here is a sketch about a kind of Robin Hood of the Putin era (“I went out”), a sci-fi story about the search for a dead man sought in the depths of memory (“Yoke”), a swan song of a “universal soldier” who decided to destroy this a world rotten through with warheads (“Major’s Heart”), an unconditional hit of the album “Amphibian” and many more interesting things. On October 1, 2024, a big concert of “Krovostok” was planned in Moscow.