Sanders Burney Net Worth

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300 lawmakers around the world called on the IMF and the World Bank to write off the debts of the poorest countries

300 lawmakers around the world called on the IMF and the World Bank to write off the debts of the poorest countries

Place of Birth. Education. Bernard "Bernie" Sanders was born in Brooklyn, New York to Jewish immigrants from Poland. Studied at Brooklyn College. He graduated from the University of Chicago in 1964 and moved to Vermont the same year.

Career. The first time he worked as a carpenter, a journalist, he took up a political career in the early 70s, joining the Union of Freedom party.

In 1972 and 1974 he was nominated as an independent candidate for the US Senate, but did not pass. In 1972, 1976 and 1986, as an independent candidate, he ran for governor of Vermont, but was also unsuccessful.

1981-1989 Mayor of Burlington, Vermont. During his first term, the local Progressive Coalition (the forerunner of the Vermont Progressive Party) was formed to support Sanders.

In 1989-1990 - taught at the Harvard Kennedy Institute, in 1990 - at Hamilton College.

1991-2007 - Member of the US House of Representatives as an independent politician, although in his views he is more related to the Democratic Party. He is a supporter of democratic socialism and the Scandinavian model of social democracy. Record holder for the longest stay in the US Congress of all independent deputies.

Since 2007 - US Senator from Vermont, with the support of 71%, was re-elected in 2012 for a term until January 2019.

From 2013 to 2015 - Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs.

On April 30, 2015, he announced his candidacy for the Democratic Party primary. Sanders, who received the support of the Occupy Wall Street movement, based his election program on the demand for a "political revolution" in the United States. Unlike other contenders for the presidency, he fundamentally refused to finance his campaign by corporations, accepting only private donations from voters. February 9, 2016 in the state primary New Hampshire Sanders became the first non-Christian candidate in US history to win a primary from one of the two leading parties. July 12, 2016 announced the withdrawal of his candidacy from the presidential race.

February 19, 2019 in an interview with Public Radio Vermont announced that he would take part in 2020 presidential election. Among the ideas that Sanders would like to implement as head of state are plans to implement universal health insurance, establishing minimum wage v $15 and reducing student tuition debt.

On April 8, 2024, Bernie Sanders ended the election campaign amid the growing COVID-19 epidemic. April 13 supported the candidacy of Joseph Biden.

Family. He is married and has four children and seven grandchildren. His brother, Larry Sanders, is a British politician and a member of the Green Party of England and Wales.
